To gather to create art ...

The dynamic of a gathering such as ours is often the same. We gather as individuals, one by one and are soon swept into the energy of a tight knit group sharing intimacies and hope, creating new selves and trying out new ways of being who we are-- and then, as quickly as we are thrown together in the wind of our willing creation we feel the power of centrifigual force which will take us back into our own lives.

Rebecca Gismondi Megan Diaz Ray  Scott
Benjamin Benne Paris Alexandra Gloria Rice
Marianne Stine Mollie Kalycio Gus Steiner
Taysha Canales Coral Elizabeth Smith Aaron Gervitch
Becca Savoy Jenn Archuleta, Admin Carlos Morales
Sarah Uhlig Sophie Rosenthal  

Class of 2013  |  Class of 2012  |  Class of 2011  |  Class of 2010